
China may halt production of liquefied coal?

You probably heard about this announce... China to stop "Liquefied Coal"... OUPS!


What are we talking about? coal to liquids? Can you repeat please, Mr CTL himself?
I can't believe it. So many investments, so many efforts...

So much hopes.

Hey Mr China, what are you doing of energy mix? What are you doing of energy independance?
CTL is one chance to progress in a such high tech way! The world is looking for you and your progress in CTL.
Hey Mr Shenhua, don't stop the dance! The world is waiting for your progress.
Who can belive this decision?
Reality or "Chinese trick"? What you really waiting for? More money and more techno transfert from your western partners?
If yes, so please Mr GE, Mr Shell, Mr Sasol, Mr Siemens, Mr Lurgi, Mr Air Products, Mr Air Liquide, Mr Linde, do something. Help China!

And you, what is your opinion?
Feel free to post comments, or send me an email : erickdeveer@gmail.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.